
Excavator is a file moving utility which can either "flatten" a directory by moving all files from sub-folders into the parent folder, or "bury" selected files into another folder. To initiate the operation, simply drag-and-drop files and folders into the application drop zones.

Excavator Drop Area

Digging Up Files

Digging up files involves dropping at least one folder into the "Dig Up" pane. Loose files will not be processed. When processed, the application will dig into all sub-folders and move all files to the parent folder (the folder which was dropped into Excavator). By default, you shall be prompted to rename files if there are naming conflicts during the move, though it can be set in the system to automatically assign a sequential naming.

If more than one folder is dropped into Excavator, each will be processed as its own parent folder.

Burying Files

Burying files and folders involve moving all dropped files into a sub-folder (or in fact, to any folder). As with digging, naming conflicts shall show a prompt for each file. The target folder can either be an existing folder, or shall be created as part of the selection process.

No matter how many files or folders are selected, burying files is only one process.

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